Day 16 new enemies
Today was just a half day due to other work obligations. I did manage to create a new enemy, and I also managed to create a balance system for my power up spawns and enemy spawns.
I’m still stuck with my wave start timing. I just need to rearrange the code so that the player is given enough time to get ready to play each wave.
My new enemy has a different look and behaves slight different than my other enemy minion.
I am still working on 1 more new ability for the new enemy which is a heatseeking middle that will target the player and destroy itself after 2.5 secs. I have the look done but it’s ability and other components for this prefab are still not done.
My new enemy’s other fire ability is just a copy of the triple shot that the player uses when obtaining the triple shot power up.
It also just moves straight down as oppose to the other enemy which moves at a zig and zag movement.
The balance system I created was just manipulation of other methods that create either higher chance of drop or it creates certain amount of drops before dropping something else.
For the power ups, the triple shot, shield, and ammo have a higher chance of dropping while the Particle beam still remains a 66% chance of not dropping at all.
For the enemies, Enemy 1 has to drop at least 4 times before the Enemy 2 drops also kept a random on which enemy is dropped during game. Hopefully, I’ll be done with Phase 2 before next week to move onto Cinema section of the certification.