Day 14 Enemies == side to side!

Austin Bryant
2 min readDec 15, 2020

Thanks to Dan from the internship program and also some time put in this weekend, I was able to finish my movement change for my enemies this morning.

I decided to keep the side to side movement method in different script. This enables me to add and subtract the script from multiple types of enemies in the future. I also spent some time reading the new script and understanding it line by line.

I then moved on to tackle both the wave segment and the new negative pick up segment for Phase 2.

For the wave I wrote a condition for the spawn manager script that states “ if x amount of enemies spawn, stop spawning enemies.” This will make enemy spawn control easier in other parts of the script when I finish creating waves and how many per wave ( the segment requires that I increase enemy waves each time a new wave is called). I also created a new UI text that flashes “Incoming Wave” when a new wave starts.

For the negative pickup, I simply made another power up prefab that damages the player if picked up. I just made the symbol a skull with crossbones and have it spawn normally with the other pick ups. I also made the Particle beam power up a little more rare. This change was brought on because the powerful power up was spawning more often than I liked.

That was all the time I had for today due to other obligations but I am confident that I’ll be able to finish this project sooner than expected.

